My Story

How My Healing Journey Began

Journal and Pencils

On the 11th August 1999, I followed a deep calling within and found myself on a plane heading to Jamaica with my two young sons.  My life at that time had literally fallen apart. A ten year relationship had painfully ended, I left a job that was soul destroying, left my home, took my children out of school and packed up all our belongings.  I was lost and looking for answers so, I went off to "find myself".  This physical journey was the start of an inner journey of self-realisation and transformation.

Whilst living in Jamaica I ended up working for a charity who supported people living with HIV/AIDS.  I had never done anything like this before but I was desperate for a job and I took a leap into the unknown.  Unbeknown to me, at that time, this job would turn out to be a major life defining moment.  It gave me experiences and insights that literally blew my mind. It was as if I had to be around death to know what life is.  I had a major awakening which shook me to my core and took me to the deepest and darkest depths of my soul.  Everything was turned upside down and inside out, total confusion. It was as if my old self had died and a new more authentic self was emerging with newfound skills, gifts and talents.

Nearly four years later in 2003, I returned to the UK back to where I started, but with a difference,  I had come full circle with a chance to start anew with a completely fresh outlook on life and a sense of purpose.  My mission had begun.​

The next 17 years were filled with education, re-education, training, travel, adventure, trials, joy, pain, love, loss, failures, death, healing and total transformation; a book waiting to be written! 

I am now at a point in life where I can look back and see the healing journey in its entirety and I am able to help, guide and show others the way in their own transformation, healing, purpose and mission.

My promise to you, is to bring you back to life, with love ~ Melanie x